
Learn more about our President's Circle Membership levels!

Only one discount can be applied per membership purchase

Must be logged in to receive renewal discount.
If discount does not apply, do not proceed with checkout as we are unable to refund orders.
Please contact the Membership Sales Department at 419-385-5721 ext. 6002

Please note that Donor Advised Funds, IRAs and similar entities cannot be used toward the purchase of a Zoo membership.

Family Membership

Admits two named adults living in the same household and your unmarried children and/or grandchildren under the age of 21.

Lucas County Residents - $132
Non-Lucas County Residents - $139

Lucas County rate applied automatically based on ZIP code.

Dual Membership

Admits two people: one named adult and one unnamed guest OR two named adults living in the same household. Limited to only one of the listed options - if you name two adults living in the same household, the membership is limited to their use only; if you list only one adult the second person can be a guest of your choosing on each visit.

Lucas County Residents - $92
Non-Lucas County Residents - $98

Lucas County rate applied automatically based on ZIP code.

One Adult Family Membership

Admits one named adult and your unmarried children and/or grandchildren under the age of 21.

Lucas County Residents - $115
Non-Lucas County Residents - $125

Lucas County rate applied automatically based on ZIP code.

Senior Grandparent Membership

Admits two named grandparents living in the same household and unmarried grandchildren under the age of 21.

Lucas County Residents - $125
Non-Lucas County Residents - $132

Lucas County rate applied automatically based on ZIP code.

Single Membership

Admits one named adult.

Lucas County Residents - $56
Non-Lucas County Residents - $59

Lucas County rate applied automatically based on ZIP code.

Toledo Zoo and Aquarium
2 Hippo Way, Toledo, Ohio 43614
Main Line: 419-385-5721  •  Information Line: 419-385-4040