Tasmanian Devil Behind the Scenes Tour

Learn about Toledo Zoo conservation efforts to protect these animals while getting a special look at their daily care. 

Participants must be 5 years old or older.

Tour Prices:**Tour prices include admission for any non-member participant

Members: $160 for up to 4 participants, $20 per additional participant up to 6 total

Non-members: $200 for up to 4 participants, $20 per additional participant up to 6 total

This walking tour lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Only 1 tickets available!

Member (select 1 ticket per group)


This ticket is for members only. If you're a current member of the Toledo Zoo, please log in.

Non Member (select 1 ticket per group)



Membership ID Login

If you know your Membership or Annual Pass ID, you can use it to login here.

Do you have an email on file with The Toledo Zoo? If so, you can login here or have an instant login link sent to your email address.

Email/Password Login

Instant Link Login

Toledo Zoo and Aquarium
2 Hippo Way, Toledo, Ohio 43614
Main Line: 419-385-5721  •  Information Line: 419-385-4040