Rhino Behind-the-Scenes Tour

Meet our Indian rhino and learn about his excellent care from his keepers.

Participants must be 8 years old or older. Attendees under 8 cannot participate in special experiences with the rhino. Attendees under the age of 5 must be held during portions of the tour.

Tour Prices:**Tour prices include admission for any non-member participant

Members:$225 for up to 4 participants, $30 per additional participant up to 6 total

Non-members:$275 for up to 4 participants, $30 per additional participant up to 6 total

This walking tour will last approximately 30 minutes

Toledo Zoo and Aquarium
2 Hippo Way, Toledo, Ohio 43614
Main Line: 419-385-5721  •  Information Line: 419-385-4040