2020 Champion Credit Union, Inc.

Consignment Program / Discount Tickets

Adult tickets are for ages 12 - 59

Child/Senior tickets are for ages 2 - 11 and 60+

Infants (under 2 years old) do not need a ticket

Tickets are valid from date of purchase through Dec. 31, 2020.

Tickets are valid for regular daytime admission - Not valid for special events.

Regular zoo hours are 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

The Zoo remains open for one additional hour after gates close to allow visitors to complete their visit. However, many animals may be off exhibit during the last hour.

Visit our website for daily activities schedules: https://www.toledozoo.org/visit

No refunds or rainchecks. Not valid with any other coupons or discounted tickets.

Note: Guests with memberships to other zoos may be eligible for discounted admission rates. Please visit our Membership Information page for details on our reciprocal zoo program.

For email accounts with a spam filter please change settings to allow email from onlinetickets@toledozoo.org

Adult Admission (ages 12-59)



Child/Senior Admission (ages 2-11 or 60+)






Membership ID Login

If you know your Membership or Annual Pass ID, you can use it to login here.

Do you have an email on file with The Toledo Zoo? If so, you can login here or have an instant login link sent to your email address.

Email/Password Login

Instant Link Login

Toledo Zoo and Aquarium
2 Hippo Way, Toledo, Ohio 43614
Main Line: 419-385-5721  •  Information Line: 419-385-4040